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  • Importance of Demand and Capacity Modelling

    The mismatch between demand (the number of patients needing care) and capacity (the resources available to provide care) is one of the main reasons why waiting lists grow and waiting times increase. – NHS England. Understanding and managing NHS demand and capacity is crucial, helping to ensure that services are planned and delivered effectively, safely

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  • Q&A: Why is endoscopy surveillance important?

    Endoscopy surveillance image of clinicians using an endoscope

    Endoscopy surveillance is a crucial aspect of healthcare that involves monitoring patients at a higher risk of certain conditions, particularly gastrointestinal diseases. We spoke with our resident endoscopy expert and lead JAG assessor, Debbie Johnston

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  • PAH: Ophthalmology Demand and Capacity Programme

    PAH Ophthalmology

    The ophthalmology team at Princess Alexandra Hospital NHS Foundation Trust (PAH) has experienced significant challenges over recent years. Waiting lists are growing, with demand for the service outweighing capacity. Demand and capacity is particularly challenging for long-term-condition follow-up patients. These patient cohorts do not form part of routine activity performance monitoring and, therefore, nationally are

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  • Transforming Planned Care

    Transforming planned care

    Transforming planned care for the NHS is something we are passionate about. As the NHS continues to revise national forecasts and update targets, eliminating long

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  • Theatre Estate Utilisation Business Case: Hillingdon Hospitals NHS FT

    Business case hillingdon hospitals nhs foundation trust maximising theatre estate utilisation

    After undertaking an analysis of the Trust's theatre estate utilisation, FEI revealed that a notable 18% of the theatre estate is vacant during core hours (per annum and after the removal of bank holidays, audits, and strikes). The outcome of the analysis presented a significant opportunity to increase the volume

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  • Demand & Capacity Modelling: Regional Elective Hub

    capacity and demand modelling case study

    As part of the 10-week programme, Four Eyes Insight (FEI) produced an integrated activity, workforce, and finance model supported by a compelling narrative describing the benefits of launching a high-volume regional elective hub for an

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  • A Patient Focus: Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust

    Patient Focus and health inequalities Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust

    “Our Trust serves a population in the most deprived decile of the country. Whilst of course reducing Did Not Attend rates and increasing Clinic Booking Utilisation rates are about improving productivity, at its heart they are also about reducing the health inequalities that many members of our community experience.” Ned Hobbs,

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  • Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust: Outpatient Improvement

    Outpatient improvement programme walsall healthcare nhs trust

      In Spring 2022, the NHS England Elective Care Improvement Support Team (IST) undertook a qualitative diagnostic review of Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust’s (WHNT) outpatient booking processes, making 19 recommendations for the Trust in their final report. Keen to address

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