Maximising Theatre Utilisation
NHS consultancy packages for NHS theatre efficiencies and utilisation.

With the national target of in-session theatre utilisation set at 85% (Model Health), pressures to reduce 52-week waits and deliver over 10% more elective activity than before the pandemic, there is no doubt the NHS need support in reducing the backlog. This is also heightened by additional workforce challenges, with many NHS Trusts and Health Boards simply unable to deliver more elective activities in line with targets due to a lack of staff.
Measuring theatre utilisation effectively is not solely down to theatres alone. There is a lot of dependency on other areas of operations including, pre-assessment, scheduling, anesthetics, surgical touch time, recovery and patient communication, Having a more holistic view of theatres and analysing data more effectively is a must and is where Four Eyes Insight excel.
What you can expect to achieve with our Theatre Programmes

What we do in Theatre Utilisation

Establish high-performance operating lists, e.g., super lists and HIT lists

Bring data-driven scheduling processes

Identify optimal estate utilisation and best practices in 642 planning structures

Redesign and standardise clinical pathways and protocols

Utilisation of theatre capacity to see long-waiting patients

Support the delivery of upper-quartile performance by increasing GiRFT HVLC and high-performance lists

Follow robust governance structures

Right-size theatre capacity to meet demand and organisational priorities

Support Elective Hub’s ambitions and standards

Introduce theatre productivity and interactive planning software

Achieve greater inflows and outflows

Give you the ability to generate additional income by treating more patients

Reduce spend through optimising core funded capacity and using less temporary/unfunded support
Our Approach
Choosing a number of core themes FEI across the Theatre service, FEI work directly with directorate specialities to improve service efficiency and build sustainability ultimately leading to Improved Utilisation, Reduced DNAs and increasing the number of patients treated per clinic.
An example of a FEI programme approach is below

Insight and Discovery
During this initial phase, we will work with the organisation to gain a clear understanding of current processes within the outpatient department and determine the operational challenges that are reducing productivity.
We will target improvement opportunities, through our capacity and capability assessment, and meet with the clinical and operational teams to agree on the short-term improvement goals (quick wins) and the key issues that need to be addressed for long-term sustainable success.

Rapid Implementation
This phase of the programme will focus on building up firm foundations through governance and process changes that will enable the organisation to increase activity and productivity.
During this phase of the programme, we will work with key stakeholders to design and implement the agreed approach to outpatient service delivery and monitor progress against agreed KPIs as a result of the changes. We will forecast the improvement expectations across the project, and the following six months to determine the impact on the backlog clearance trajectories.

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