Endoscopy Improvement & Recovery Programmes

NHS consultancy packages for diagnostic efficiencies,

utilisation and service re-design.

The NHS expect Trusts to increase the percentage of patients that receive a diagnostic test within six weeks in line with the March 2025 ambition of 95% and deliver diagnostic activity levels that support plans to address elective and cancer backlogs and the diagnostic waiting time ambition.

Recovery of diagnostic activity volume is critical to supporting elective recovery and early cancer diagnosis. Achieving an improved and sustainable endoscopy service requires a core operation of good practices as a foundation for broader change.

Delivered by our Consultancy team along with Endoscopy Subject Matter Expert – Debbie Johnston, we work shoulder-to-shoulder with NHS organisations to assist in achieving low wait times and a safe, productive and sustained endoscopy service.

Our Results in Endoscopy Programmes

Our Support in Endoscopy

Demand and capacity modelling

Backlog modelling

Demand control pathways​

Strategy development​

Community Diagnostic Hubs (CDC)​​

Endoscopy strategy development

Workforce review and planning

Optimising JAG Accreditation

Training and support programmes

Performance dashboards and software​

Our Endoscopy Options

Flexible options to meet the Endoscopy Service structure and needs of NHS organisations:

Management structure and grip

Demand and Capacity management

Optimising endoscopy patient flow

Efficient endoscopy admin and booking, plus 6-4-2

Endoscopy Pre-assessment

Start and finish times/room turnaround

List points utilisation


Our Approach

Four Eyes Insight works directly with clinical specialities to improve service demand and capacity, backlog, efficiency and building sustainability for an improved patient experience.

Insight and Discovery

During this phase, we will work with the organisation to gain a clear understanding of current processes within the endoscopy department and determine the operational challenges that are reducing productivity.

We will triangulate what we find through observations and discussions with key stakeholders with detailed analytics.

This phase will conclude with meetings with clinical operational teams to agree on a robust implementation plan detailing the short-term improvement goals (quick wins) and the key issues that need to be addressed for long-term sustainable success.

Rapid  Implementation

This phase of the programme will use Task and Finish groups to enact the plan agreed upon during the Insight and Discovery Phase and measure the benefit of these changes throughout.

Firm foundations are built through governance and process changes that will enable the organisation to increase activity and productivity.

During this phase, we work on the ground with the clinical and operational colleagues to implement and embed our tried and tested methodologies to ensure endoscopy sessions are planned and filled appropriately to minimise the risk of on-the-day issues arising.

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